teen in yellow with a tablet in his hands

Revisions Made Easy!

With topical exam questions, from ECZ past papers, revise with ZedRevise for free online with only your browser.

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Revision Questions

Answer revision question with sample exam questions from past papers and test how well you understand a particula topic.

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Exam Tips

Read tips on how to prepare ECZ exams and how to get better grades, how to study and what to study.

Revise With ZedRevise While You Still Have The Time For Free!

  • Topical questions from ECZ study materials and past papers
  • Your questions are marked right in your browser and the results are displayed to you in les than 30 seconds
  • We show you which questions you got correct and wrong to help you spot your weaknesses and strengths in a particular topic
  • Your scores are stored on your browser, and only you can see them
  • ZedRevise respects your voice. You can request for topics you want to see on ZedRevise or a feature you would like to see on ZedRevise
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