
Take your time to answer all the questions on this page. Avoid checking for answers in any books while taking this revision exercise. Your score report will only be accessible and visible to you as all the data will be stored on your browser, not online.

  1. The diagram below shows cells from the mammalian blood.

    Which of the above cells break down pathogens?

  2. From the diagram below, which part is responsible for generating energy needed to keep the cells' essential living processes going?

  3. Study the animal cell diagram below and anwer question 3.

    Write down the names of part A, B, C and D in the spaces provided below.

    Wrong speelings will not be marked as correct answers.

  4. The Nucleus contains genetic information of the cell and controls all cell activities.

  5. Which of the following structure is found in both animal cell and plant cell?

  6. What is the name of the part that is also known to be the 'power house' of the cell?

    Wrong speelings will not be marked as correct answers.

  7. What is the part that contains dissolved food substances and waste products?

    Wrong speelings will not be marked as correct answers.

  8. .............. are examples of white blood cells that defend the body against Infections by engulfing and digesting harmful germs inside our bodies.

  9. .............. are examples of white blood cells that defend the body against Infections by producing antitoxins and antibodies inside our bodies.

  10. What name is given to a group of specialised cells having the same structrue and function?

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