Health & Disease

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  1. A sign is any indication of a disease that can only be felt and described by a patient.

  2. What do we call diseases that can be transmitted from person to person?

  3. A .................. is an organism that carries pathogens from one organism to another.

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  4. A ................. vector is one that carries pathogens on it body surface.

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  5. A ................. vector carries pathogens inside its body.

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  6. What is the name of the female mosquito that causes maleria?

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  7. What name is given to a bacterium that causes cholera?

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  8. Kwashiokor, marasmus and rickets are examples of ................

  9. Cell anaemia, heamophilia, and down's syndrome are all examples of ................

  10. .................. are proteins produced by the lymphocytes that are responsible for destroying antigens.

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