
  1. A (or an) .............. is a person who lives in a country that is not his or hers..

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  2. What are the two kinds of citizenship?

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  3. What is the name of the rule that considers the child's citizenship based on blood relationship?

  4. The rule of .................. considers the place of birth to acquire citizenship.

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  5. What do we call a status when a person is recognised and privileged to enjoy all human rights of a given state

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  6. Mr. Edward Phiri came to live in Zambia from his country Tanzania ten years ago. He decided to give up his previous citizenship and took oath of allegiance to Zambain government.

    Under which condition did he qualify to apply for the Zambian citizenship?

  7. ............. Is a quality of a good citizen. It restrains oneself from from doing bad things.

  8. ................ is another quality of a good citizen that involves a sense of love and loyalty to the state by observing the values and principles of one's country.

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  9. What do the letters NRC stand for in relattion to our topic?

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  10. .................... is an obstacle to good citizenship that prevents citizens from taking an active part in the affairs of the nation but rather pre-occupied with survival means.

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