Human Rights

  1. When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted?

  2. In the Charter of Mande, what are the two main evils?

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  3. Civil and Political rights are also called ...........

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  4. What is the other name given to Economic, Social and Cultural rights?

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  5. The following is a table with a list of characteristics of human rights.

    [x] Example [a] Inherent [b] Inalienable [c] Interrelated [d] Universal
    Concept Meaning

    a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule.

    This is an example - Show More (Since this is the difination of "example", and example is marked with the letter x on the above list, we entered letter x instead of entering "example" into the dark input box to the left)

    All rights are equally important and they can not be divided or subtracted from.

    Rights depend on each other to be fulfilled in order to enjoy all rights

    Rights cannot be bought, given, entrusted or earned. Everyone is born with Human Rights.

    Human Rights apply to all people in the world regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, religion, social political or nationality.

    Human Rights can not be taken away nor be given away.

    From the above list of characteristics of Human Rights, enter only a letter that represents a concept explained to the right side of the table into the input box to the left.

    enter only a letter into the input boxes. - request for more instructions here.

  6. The following are all Civil and Political Rights except for one. Which one is not a Civil and Political Right?

  7. Mr. Mwale is a Civic Education teacher who taught his Grade 10 pupils that people have Human Rights even when they are not recognised or respected by those in power.

    Which characteristic of Human Rights was Mr. Mwale referring to?

  8. The ................. arm of the government is the main mechanism for the protection and enforcement of the rights and freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights.

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  9. The Human Rights Day is commemorated worldwide every year on .................

  10. In which year was the Charter of Mande proclaimed?

    You answer must be numeric

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